The researchers used a combination of pre-survey quotas and post-survey weighting to ensure results are broadly representative of all New Zealanders by age, gender, region and ethnicity.
From the dataset New Zealand’s Internet Insights: Report 2023, this data was extracted:
Sheet: Q86
Range: C12:Y28
Provided: 374 data points
Dataset originally released on:
February 2024
About this dataset
In 2018 InternetNZ conducted a consolidated research project that incorporated three historical research projects for both the former NZRS, and InternetNZ. This project covered business and consumer use and attitudes towards domain names, as well as public perceptions of the Internet in general. In 2019 they have replicated a section of this research project, to understand any changes in consumer perceptions of the Internet. The survey follows the same processes for 2018, however from 2019 onwards, the survey focused only on consumer use of and perceptions of the Internet.
Method of collection/Data provider
This was a survey a total of 1,001 people online (803 consumers, and 198 consumers who also manage or own a business)
Fieldwork was conducted from 15th to 22nd November 2023.
The maximum margin of error on the total group n=1,001 is +/-3.1% at the 95% confidence interval.