Graded numbers are those animals inspected by veterinarians and passed fit for consumption on local and export markets
Condemned means that meat is not fit for human consumption.
Total Kill = Graded + Condemned
Weight at slaughter, or hot weight, is the weight of the inspected animal after the head, knuckles, intestines and pelt have been removed but before drying, cooling or further processing has taken place.
Limitations of the data
From October 2017, data on pigs are shown in new weight groups. Because of this, the annual data for pigs from September 2017 to September 2018 may be incomplete.
At URL provided, select 'Industry sectors > Livestock Slaughtering - LSS > [Each region] by kill by animal type (Annual-Sep)'. All variables except discontinued values were selected to create this dataset. appended multiple region downloads including North/South Island totals to create this dataset.