An applicant is a person included in an application for a residence class visa and includes the principal applicant and secondary applicants (if any). All persons included in an application are individually assessed against the criteria that apply to them.
Data calculation/treatment
This dataset examines the pathways that student visa holders and temporary workers subsequently take after they exit their respective visa, the pathways retrospectively taken by people who have
been granted residence, and the extent to which people approved for residence remain in New Zealand in subsequent years.
The data provider calculates the status following the completion of the migrants' (study or work) visa. This removes variations in the amount of time that visa holders spend on their initial (study or work) visa type.
The pathway calculations begin on the day following the end of a person’s initial visa and include everyone whose visa ended any time from 2006/07 to 2011/12.
For student visa holders who renewed their student visa once or multiple times, the pathways calculation begins on the day following the end of the last of their renewed visas. The same rule applies to temporary workers (work visas).
From the dataset Migration Trends and Outlook: Transitions and retention 2016/17, this data was extracted:
Sheet: 10
Range: B5:E28
Provided: 84 data points
Dataset originally released on:
March 29, 2018
About this dataset
This annual report is the 17th in a series that examines trends in temporary and permanent migration to and from New Zealand. The report updates trends to 2016/17 and compares recent immigration patterns with patterns identified in previous years.