This data compares the performance of New Zealand universities with that of Australian universities. There is bibliometric data for 40 of the 43 Australian universities.
Academic impact of research by Australasian university is measure by Category Normalised Citation Impact (CNCI), where the citations of a journal paper are compared to what would be expected given the subject area, year of publication, and type of publication (article or review). This meaure is averaged across the papers to calculate the CNCI.
A CNCI value of 1 indicates that the academic impact of the research is equal to the world average. A CNCI value of < 1 indicates the impact is below the world average. A CNCI of > 1 indicates the impact is above the world average.
International collaboration is the percentage of indexed publications that have co-authors from an institution in another country.
Data calculation/treatment
Data have been rounded to the nearest 5 to protect the privacy of individuals.
Doctoral degrees include PhDs and other doctorates but exclude higher doctorates.