People living alone in Invercargill City, New Zealand
By sex and age group, 2018 Census, number of people
Age group | Sex | Number of people |
0-24 | Female | 57 |
0-24 | Male | 102 |
25-29 | Female | 93 |
25-29 | Male | 117 |
30-34 | Female | 114 |
30-34 | Male | 138 |
35-39 | Female | 117 |
35-39 | Male | 138 |
40-44 | Female | 123 |
40-44 | Male | 192 |
45-49 | Female | 162 |
45-49 | Male | 213 |
50-54 | Female | 216 |
50-54 | Male | 237 |
55-59 | Female | 327 |
55-59 | Male | 306 |
60-64 | Female | 393 |
60-64 | Male | 294 |
65-69 | Female | 378 |
65-69 | Male | 276 |
70-74 | Female | 387 |
70-74 | Male | 219 |
75-79 | Female | 399 |
75-79 | Male | 177 |
80-84 | Female | 345 |
80-84 | Male | 147 |
85-89 | Female | 273 |
85-89 | Male | 105 |
90+ | Female | 129 |
90+ | Male | 45 |
Data Quality
Using this data
You can use this data confidently. Stats NZ rated it as very high quality. For more information, read about response rates below.
Stats NZ gives data an overall rating based on sources and coverage, consistency, and data quality.
Why am I seeing this?
This data is from the Census. The past two censuses had relatively low response rates, particularly for some areas of New Zealand and groups of people.
Where information was missing or unreadable, Stats NZ attempted to use data from a range of places such as previous censuses or administrative data that is collected by other government agencies. If that isn't available, Stats NZ use statistical models to predict what the missing data would have been. This is called imputation.
Things to be aware of
Respondents who wished to identify as intersex were instructed to request paper forms and tick both male and female boxes. No provision was made for categories other than male or female.
Read the response rates and final data sources section for more information.
Response rates and final data sources
Census usually resident population count of New Zealand: a count of all people who usually live in and were present in New Zealand on census night. It excludes overseas visitors and New Zealand residents who are temporarily overseas.
Census night population count of New Zealand: a count of all people present in New Zealand on census night. This includes visitors from overseas who are counted on census night but excludes residents who are temporarily overseas on census night.
Dwelling: A dwelling is any building or structure that is used, or intended to be used, for human habitation. There can be more than one dwelling within a building. For example, each apartment in an apartment building is a dwelling.
Household: either one person who usually resides alone, or two or more people who usually reside together and share facilities in a private dwelling. Included are people who were absent on census night but usually live in a particular dwelling and are members of that household, as long as they were reported as being absent on the dwelling form or the household set-up form.
Dwelling mould indicator: Dwelling mould indicator provides a measure of the total amount of visible mould inside occupied private dwellings. It indicates whether there is mould present that has a total area larger than an A4 sheet of paper, or whether the total amount present is smaller than A4 size, or there is no mould. It excludes any mould that is not visible (eg mould inside walls).
Response 'stated': Members of the subject population (eg. people or dwelling) for which the data was obtained through a census form, administrative sources, or imputed.
Data calculation/treatment
This data has been randomly rounded to protect confidentiality.
Figure.NZ calculated percentages based on the 'Total stated' values for each variable. Individual percentages may not sum to 100% and values for the same data may vary in different tables.
For more information
Geographically the census includes the North Island, South Island, Stewart Island, and the Chatham Islands, plus largely uninhabited islands including the Kermadec Islands, Three Kings Islands, Mayor Island, Motiti Island, White Island, Moutohora Island, Bounty Islands, Snares Islands, Antipodes Islands, Auckland Islands, and Campbell Island.
Changes to data collection/processing
The 2018 Census was a modernised census based on models used in 2016 by the Canadian and Australian statistical agencies and then applied in the New Zealand context. Stats NZ collaborated with census experts from both countries when designing the model.
Under the new model, how Stats NZ enabled/collected from the respondents changed from predominately field-based activities to 80 percent mail-out with a reduced field presence and increased communications, marketing and engagement. The way respondents completed their forms also changed, with a greater focus on online completion over paper. The majority of the population was encouraged to complete the census online using an internet access code mailed to their households before census night. The new collection model therefore relied on the public to self-respond, rather than wait for a visit from field staff. Field follow-up activities were also planned.
The main areas of change were:
- phasing the model (prepare, enable, remind and visit)
- strategies used across the different phases
- mailing out “call to action” letters with an internet access code and instructions on how to order paper forms, if required, as the first interaction with census
- reducing the number of field staff, with a new structure and roles
- outsourcing the recruitment functions for field staff
- introducing new field technology
- creating a new address frame (a list of all dwellings in New Zealand)
- an integrated communications campaign including community engagement
- a new approach to processing the census data.
Data provided by
Dataset name
Census: Age group and sex, for people in one-person households in occupied private dwellings 2018
How to find the data
At the URL provided, customise the selection by choosing '2018' under 'Year'. All remaining variables were selected to create this dataset.
Import & extraction details
File as imported: Census: Age group and sex, for people in one-person households in occupied private dwellings 2018
From the dataset Census: Age group and sex, for people in one-person households in occupied private dwellings 2018, this data was extracted:
- Sheet: NZ.Stat export
- Range:
- Provided: 6,624 data points
This data forms the table Census - One-person households in occupied private dwellings by age group, sex and territorial authority 2018.
About this dataset
The New Zealand Census of Population and Dwellings is the official count of how many people and dwellings there are in New Zealand. It provides a snapshot of our society at a point in time and helps to tell the story of its social and economic change. The 2018 Census, held on Tuesday 6 March, was the 34th New Zealand Census of Population and Dwellings. The first official census was run in 1851, and since 1877 there has been a census every five years, with only four exceptions.
Purpose of collection
Census information is used by government agencies, local authorities, businesses, community organisations, and the public for developing and implementing new policies, research, planning, and decision-making. It helps us make decisions about how to best use public funding, especially in areas of health, education, housing, and transport.
The census is also the primary source of information used for deciding the number of general and Māori electorates, along with data from the corresponding Māori Electoral Option.