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Total apprentices in New Zealand

By field of study, 2023, number of people

010,00020,00030,00040,000BuildingElectrical and electronic engineering and technologyAutomotive engineering and technologyHuman welfare studies and servicesMechanical and industrial engineering and technologyFood and hospitalityHorticulture and viticultureAgricultureCivil engineeringPersonal servicesSales and marketingSport and recreationMaritime engineering and technologyProcess and resources engineeringManufacturing, engineering and technologyOther engineering and related technologiesAerospace engineering and technologyBusiness and managementForestry studiesOther healthArchitecture and urban environmentJustice and law enforcementPerforming artsEarth sciencesOther agriculture, environmental and related studiesPublic healthTotal apprentices in New ZealandBy field of study, 2023, number of peopleProvider: Ministry of Education010,00020,00030,00040,000