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European apprentices in New Zealand

By field of study, 2023, number of people

05,00010,00015,00020,000BuildingElectrical and electronic engineering and technologyAutomotive engineering and technologyMechanical and industrial engineering and technologyHuman welfare studies and servicesHorticulture and viticulturePersonal servicesFood and hospitalityAgricultureCivil engineeringSport and recreationSales and marketingMaritime engineering and technologyAerospace engineering and technologyManufacturing, engineering and technologyBusiness and managementOther engineering and related technologiesProcess and resources engineeringArchitecture and urban environmentOther healthForestry studiesJustice and law enforcementPerforming artsEarth sciencesOther agriculture, environmental and related studiesPublic healthEuropean apprentices in New ZealandBy field of study, 2023, number of peopleProvider: Ministry of Education05,00010,00015,00020,000