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Asian people in New Zealand who can speak Tieu-Chow

By ethnicity, 2018 Census, % of people where information available

05101520Cambodian ChineseVietnamese ChineseSingaporean ChineseMalaysian ChineseCambodianVietnameseBurmeseSoutheast Asian (not elsewhere classified)ChinChinese (not further defined)Southeast Asian (not further defined)MalayAsian (not further defined)ThaiIndonesianKarenLaoAsian (not elsewhere classified)FilipinoTaiwaneseChinese (not elsewhere classified)Indian (not further defined)BengaliHong Kong ChineseIndian TamilPunjabiSikhAnglo IndianMalaysian IndianSouth African IndianIndian (not elsewhere classified)Sri Lankan (not further defined)SinhaleseSri Lankan TamilJapaneseKoreanAfghaniBangladeshiNepalesePakistaniTibetanEurasianBhutaneseMaldivianMongolianFijian IndianAsian people in New Zealand who can speak Tieu-ChowBy ethnicity, 2018 Census, % of people where information availableProvider: Stats NZ05101520