Māori enterprises (excluding Māori authorities) in New Zealand
By industry, as at February 2023, number of businesses
Industry | Number of businesses |
Agriculture, forestry and fishing | 669 |
Manufacturing | 162 |
Construction | 387 |
Wholesale trade | 99 |
Retail trade | 117 |
Accommodation and food services | 96 |
Transport, postal and warehousing | 69 |
Information media and telecommunications | 135 |
Financial and insurance services | 99 |
Rental, hiring and real estate services | 99 |
Professional, scientific and technical services | 729 |
Administrative and support services | 186 |
Public administration and safety | 18 |
Education and training | 222 |
Health care and social assistance | 300 |
Arts and recreation services | 153 |
Other services | 294 |
An enterprise is economically significant if it meets any one of the following criteria: annual expenses or sales (subject to GST) of more than $30,000 or 12 month rolling mean employee count of greater than three or part of a group of enterprises or registered for GST and involved in agriculture or forestry or over $40,000 of income recorded in the IR10 annual tax return (this includes some units in residential property leasing and rental). Based on data from the February reference month.
These statistics are provisional, and updates in the series may be incorporated in subsequent releases. It is expected the largest revisions will occur in the most recent reference periods, with smaller changes earlier in the time series.
Employee count is a head count of salary and wage earners for the February reference month sourced from taxation data.
Due to rounding, individual figures may not sum to the stated total(s).
A Māori business is a business that is owned by a person or people who have Māori whakapapa, and a representative of that business identifies the business as Māori.
Māori authorities are economically significant businesses involved in the collective management of assets held by Māori.
‘Other Māori enterprises’ in this release refers to Māori businesses that are economically significant and are not Māori authorities.
Maori tourism business information presented in this dataset comes primary from member list of New Zealand Māori Tourism and was expanded on by adding any other Māori authority or business where those enterprises, or a business location belonging to those enterprises, was engaged in a selected range of ANZIC06 industry:
• all of division accommodation and food services
• interurban and rural bus transport
• rail passenger transport
• water passenger transport
• scenic and sightseeing transport
• motor vehicle and transport equipment rental and hiring
• travel agency services
• all of division arts and recreation services.
Limitations of the data
Not all units in the Māori business population can be matched to the data from the various sources used for Tatauranga Umanga Māori. Each dataset has a specific population scope, such as including only economically significant businesses. Different surveys may exclude specific industries, sectors, or size of business from their population. Therefore, the population of relevant Māori businesses may differ between data sources. Additionally, some units may not have been selected for a specific survey, may have missing data, or were not matched to the dataset.
Stats NZ acknowledges that the coverage of the business population for Tatauranga Umanga Māori needs further improvement. Stats NZ is continuing to work with stakeholders to obtain new and updated Māori business population lists. This will help to ensure that the statistics we produce are representative of the Māori business population.
Changes to data collection/processing
The number of "other Māori enterprises" identified in this release has significantly increased compared with previous releases, due to the addition of new population sources. Therefore, the data here differs from data published in previous Tatauranga umanga Māori releases.
Data provided by
Dataset name
Tatauranga Umanga Māori 2023
How to find the data
At URL provided, select 'Tatauranga umanga Māori – Statistics on Māori businesses: 2023 – CSV (English)'
Import & extraction details
File as imported: Tatauranga Umanga Māori 2023
From the dataset Tatauranga Umanga Māori 2023, this data was extracted:
- Rows: 72-435
- Column: 7
- Provided: 364 data points
This data forms the table Māori Business - Māori enterprises (excluding Māori authorities) and Māori tourism and their employees by industry 2017–2023.
Dataset originally released on:
August 29, 2024
About this dataset
Tatauranga umanga Māori Statistics on Māori businesses presents information on two subsets of Māori businesses that contribute to our country’s economy.
Method of collection/Data provider
Māori businesses can be identified via:
- self-identification through the Business Operations Survey
- self-identification through the New Zealand Business Number
- IR tax code
- third-party lists (Poutama Trust, New Zealand Māori Tourism)
- publicly available information on post-treaty settlement entities.
Māori authorities are mainly identified via Inland Revenue (IR) tax code information. Some may also be identified via publicly available information. Stats NZ also include data for businesses that are 50 percent or more owned by Māori authorities.
Other Māori enterprises may be identified via membership lists, through self-identification on the New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) register, or through self-identification questions in the annual Stats NZ Business Operations Survey (BOS).
Membership lists were received from Poutama Trust and New Zealand Māori Tourism in 2016, and have not been updated in recent years. Collection of self-identification in the BOS started in 2015 and is limited to businesses covered by and responding to the BOS. Self-identification questions in the NZBN register were added in April 2021.