Households with access to a landline phone in New Zealand
By territorial authority, 2013 Census, % of households
Area | % of households within income band |
Ashburton District | 88.231981982% |
Auckland | 87.0804247446% |
Buller District | 84.2276422764% |
Carterton District | 88.3454734651% |
Central Hawke's Bay District | 88.804422944% |
Central Otago District | 88.9763779528% |
Christchurch City | 88.6374146514% |
Clutha District | 87.1663244353% |
Dunedin City | 85.7665345931% |
Far North District | 81.088612298% |
Gisborne District | 80.9964412811% |
Gore District | 87.4554526016% |
Grey District | 88.9040163376% |
Hamilton City | 83.9703365659% |
Hastings District | 86.8675848902% |
Hauraki District | 81.0942843185% |
Horowhenua District | 84.0219589714% |
Hurunui District | 87.6795162509% |
Invercargill City | 84.5571287455% |
Kaikoura District | 86.9565217391% |
Kaipara District | 83.4815161441% |
Kapiti Coast District | 89.4692784196% |
Kawerau District | 76.4406779661% |
Lower Hutt City | 87.0124727777% |
Mackenzie District | 85.4978354978% |
Manawatu District | 89.2121608369% |
Marlborough District | 89.3591772152% |
Masterton District | 86.1356932153% |
Matamata-Piako District | 84.4778660613% |
Napier City | 86.7212861339% |
Nelson City | 88.6109036594% |
New Plymouth District | 88.2452944748% |
Opotiki District | 78.0891719745% |
Otorohanga District | 82.0540540541% |
Palmerston North City | 86.0551558753% |
Porirua City | 88.4725589597% |
Queenstown-Lakes District | 83.2367972743% |
Rangitikei District | 84.8844472205% |
Rotorua District | 81.6239987435% |
Ruapehu District | 78.3696529459% |
Selwyn District | 93.2941973357% |
South Taranaki District | 84.3595187544% |
South Waikato District | 79.6625222025% |
South Wairarapa District | 86.6432337434% |
Southland District | 84.227886057% |
Stratford District | 85.7572718154% |
Tararua District | 84.9372384937% |
Tasman District | 88.6553030303% |
Taupo District | 81.550126369% |
Tauranga City | 87.4570446735% |
Thames-Coromandel District | 82.4119076549% |
Timaru District | 89.798206278% |
Upper Hutt City | 89.5972382048% |
Waikato District | 84.0615690169% |
Waimakariri District | 91.8769570823% |
Waimate District | 86.5853658537% |
Waipa District | 87.7311592762% |
Wairoa District | 79.9472295515% |
Waitaki District | 88.84% |
Waitomo District | 83.1081081081% |
Wanganui District | 84.5719070546% |
Wellington City | 82.2389875882% |
Western Bay of Plenty District | 86.5972812234% |
Westland District | 85.0868232891% |
Whakatane District | 84.2302878598% |
Whangarei District | 84.9084611578% |
Grouped total household income: A household's total household income from all sources in the 12 months ending 31 March 2013.
Data calculation/treatment
Access to telecommunication systems
Households reporting more than one means of access to telecommunication systems have been counted in each stated category. Therefore the total number of responses in the table will be greater than the total number of households.
Data provided by
Dataset name
Census: Access to Telecommunications by Income (TA,RC) 2013
How to find the data
Data is displayed at URL provided. This data was selected by choosing Customise > Selection, and selecting all variables. Download by selecting Export and selecting desired download format. Calculation of percentages was done by Figure.NZ.
Import & extraction details
File as imported: Census: Access to Telecommunications by Income (TA,RC) 2013
From the dataset Census: Access to Telecommunications by Income (TA,RC) 2013, this data was extracted:
- Sheet: TABLECODE8191_Data_432e1133-68b
- Range:
- Provided: 13,391 data points
This data forms the table Census - Access to Telecommunications by Income, by local board area, territorial authority and region 2013.