New ACC claims for knocked-out teeth in children and teenagers in New Zealand
By region (excluding confidentialised values), 2023, number of claims
Region | Number of claims |
Northland | 11 |
Auckland | 44 |
Waikato | 22 |
Bay of Plenty | 8 |
Gisborne | None |
Hawke's Bay | 7 |
Taranaki | 4 |
Manawatū-Whanganui | 10 |
Wellington | 23 |
Tasman | None |
Nelson | None |
Marlborough | None |
Canterbury | 22 |
West Coast | None |
Otago | 9 |
Southland | None |
Unknown | 1 |
An avulsed tooth (knocked-out tooth) is a tooth that's knocked out of its socket and, often, out of your mouth. Healthcare providers may call this dental avulsion. Avulsed teeth are a type of dental trauma and require immediate treatment.
Data calculation/treatment
Region is based on the location of the accident and was not necessarily where the client was residing at the time.
All claims included have been accepted for cover.
Claims are included where the dental injury detail on the claim includes 'Avulsion' and the two-digit notation of the permanent teeth are any of the following: '12', '11', '21', '22', '42', '41', '31', '32'. This includes permanent mandibular and maxillary central and lateral incisors. There are separate codes for deciduous or baby teeth.
Claims are included only if the client's age at the time of the accident is between 0 and 19 years old.
Claims managed by an accredited employer have been excluded.
Please note that Public Health Acute Services (PHAS) payments are not/cannot be provided/included. These costs are for treatment of ACC claims in a public hospital in the acute phase for a covered injury. These costs are paid through bulk payments that ACC make to the Crown. The services are provided under an annual service agreement between the Ministry of Health and ACC.
Data provided by
Accident Compensation Corporation
Dataset name
ACC Analytics & Reporting: Dental avulsion injuries for children 2024
How to find the data
Navigate to url, and click on download button. has reorganised dataset for processing purposes
Import & extraction details
File as imported: ACC Analytics & Reporting: Dental avulsion injuries for children 2024
From the dataset ACC Analytics & Reporting: Dental avulsion injuries for children 2024, this data was extracted:
- Sheet: Data
- Range:
- Provided: 90 data points
This data forms the table Health - New ACC claims for dental avulsion of permanent incisors in children and teenagers by region 2018–2023.
Dataset originally released on:
May 29, 2024
About this dataset
Claims lodged with Accident Compensation Corporation including dental avulsion of permanent incisors.