Employment estimates and projections for New Zealand
By industry, year ended March 2017–2020, number of people employed
Year ended March | Industry | Number of people employed |
2017 | Agriculture and agricultural support services | 149,646.2143758 |
2017 | Commercial fishing | 2,662.741906468 |
2017 | Forestry, logging, and supporting services | 7,482.348243994 |
2017 | Mining | 4,136.374472093 |
2017 | Food, beverage and tobacco product manufacturing | 86,913.95788672 |
2017 | Textile, leather, clothing and footwear manufacturing | 13,237.1801239 |
2017 | Wood and paper product manufacturing | 23,728.95749863 |
2017 | Printing, publishing, and recorded media | 34,644.29187158 |
2017 | Petroleum, chemical, polymer, and rubber manufacturing | 19,739.47578093 |
2017 | Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing | 7,754.669225059 |
2017 | Metal product manufacturing | 31,302.21351346 |
2017 | Transport equipment, machinery and equipment manufacturing | 40,070.30125813 |
2017 | Furniture and other manufacturing | 12,744.04673754 |
2017 | Electricity, gas, water and waste services | 20,240.14408339 |
2017 | Construction | 232,929.7735163 |
2017 | Wholesale trade | 111,708.5013927 |
2017 | Retail trade | 230,400.2688178 |
2017 | Accommodation and food services | 142,709.0599516 |
2017 | Transport, postal and warehousing | 100,347.4276025 |
2017 | Communication services | 18,172.85299715 |
2017 | Financial and insurance services | 70,878.29358398 |
2017 | Rental, hiring and real estate services | 47,234.02720069 |
2017 | Prof, scientific, technical, admin and support services | 296,773.382132 |
2017 | Public administration and safety | 138,105.81173 |
2017 | Education and training | 220,995.3401852 |
2017 | Health care and social assistance | 252,611.9673287 |
2017 | Arts and recreation services | 45,931.68169229 |
2017 | Personal and other community services | 99,329.80877936 |
2020 | Agriculture and agricultural support services | 153,652.0767112 |
2020 | Commercial fishing | 2,945.203085292 |
2020 | Forestry, logging, and supporting services | 7,817.097747442 |
2020 | Mining | 4,156.591455113 |
2020 | Food, beverage and tobacco product manufacturing | 87,875.00798393 |
2020 | Textile, leather, clothing and footwear manufacturing | 13,049.24159231 |
2020 | Wood and paper product manufacturing | 24,168.59801117 |
2020 | Printing, publishing, and recorded media | 34,589.00735739 |
2020 | Petroleum, chemical, polymer, and rubber manufacturing | 20,106.15797282 |
2020 | Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing | 8,161.418683556 |
2020 | Metal product manufacturing | 34,379.10354272 |
2020 | Transport equipment, machinery and equipment manufacturing | 41,699.59883758 |
2020 | Furniture and other manufacturing | 13,596.62076341 |
2020 | Electricity, gas, water and waste services | 23,163.64375174 |
2020 | Construction | 262,388.9338045 |
2020 | Wholesale trade | 115,220.1373682 |
2020 | Retail trade | 240,123.5105024 |
2020 | Accommodation and food services | 152,502.0443172 |
2020 | Transport, postal and warehousing | 102,546.8701797 |
2020 | Communication services | 18,374.35516779 |
2020 | Financial and insurance services | 72,986.89996142 |
2020 | Rental, hiring and real estate services | 47,586.02637412 |
2020 | Prof, scientific, technical, admin and support services | 320,473.9657083 |
2020 | Public administration and safety | 148,377.9079235 |
2020 | Education and training | 234,453.9058499 |
2020 | Health care and social assistance | 273,229.1135697 |
2020 | Arts and recreation services | 51,249.77766779 |
2020 | Personal and other community services | 105,583.1005858 |
Figure.NZ recoded the industry categories to the corresponding ANZSIC groupings, based on information provided by the Ministry.
Limitations of the data
The employment forecasts included in this report are based on forecasts of quarterly GDP growth, contained in the Consensus Forecasts released for March 2017. The TWI, terms of trade and 90-day rates forecast used are based on the forecasts by the Treasury. The employment and unemployment rate forecasts by the Ministry are informed by the latest HLFS results.
Data provided by
Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment
Dataset name
Short-term Employment Forecasts: 2017-2020 - May 2017
Import & extraction details
File as imported: Short-term Employment Forecasts: 2017-2020 - May 2017
From the dataset Short-term Employment Forecasts: 2017-2020 - May 2017, this data was extracted:
- Sheet: All Regions
- Range:
- Provided: 1,972 data points
This data forms the table Employment - Forecast employment by industry and region 2017–2020.
Dataset originally released on:
May 11, 2017
About this dataset
The Short-term Employment Forecast: 2016-19 presents employment forecasts for 2016 to 2019 (March years). The forecasts will inform the Ministry’s advice relating to immigration priorities, and priority setting for tertiary education and industry training over the same period.
Method of collection/Data provider
The Ministry uses a short-term forecasting model that draws on the latest macroeconomic forecasts by the Treasury, covering detailed forecasts of terms of trade, exchange rates and interest rates.17 The detailed macroeconomic forecasts enable economic activity in broad industries to be forecast consistent with overall economic growth.
The Ministry used model-based forecasts of industry level economic activity and productivity (the latter moderated by the Ministry for consistency across individual sectors) to derive forecasts of industry employment. The industry level employment forecasts are then used to forecast employment by occupations and by skill levels by using the Census based occupational shares across industries.