Cancer incidence rate among Pacific people in New Zealand
By sex, 2013–2022, age-standardised rate per 100,000 population
Year | Sex | Age-standardised rate per 100,000 population |
2013 | Female | 421.1 |
2013 | Male | 357.4 |
2014 | Female | 394 |
2014 | Male | 397.9 |
2015 | Female | 407.1 |
2015 | Male | 342.7 |
2016 | Female | 425.2 |
2016 | Male | 418 |
2017 | Female | 380.1 |
2017 | Male | 372.3 |
2018 | Female | 384.9 |
2018 | Male | 391.2 |
2019 | Female | 407.5 |
2019 | Male | 361.9 |
2020 | Female | 407.3 |
2020 | Male | 351.7 |
2021 | Female | 427.3 |
2021 | Male | 372.9 |
2022 | Female | 423.2 |
2022 | Male | 378.4 |
The number of new cancers reflects the number of primary tumours rather than the number of individuals with cancer.
Data calculation/treatment
Unless specified in data by age group, rates are expressed per 100,000 population and age-standardised to the WHO World Standard Population. The population is based on official estimates as at 31 December.
Limitations of the data
Caution is advised when interpreting rates derived from small numbers as they may fluctuate markedly from year to year.
Multiple cancers with the same site and same morphological group are excluded.
Changes to data collection/processing
In these tables, Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand extracted data for new cancer registrations between 2013 and 2022 and recalculated the rates for all years to reflect ongoing updates to data in the New Zealand Cancer Registry and the revision of population estimates from Stats NZ. These are updated annually, and more significant revisions are made after each Census.
Data provided by
Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand
Dataset name
Cancer: Registrations 2022
How to find the data
At URL provided, select the 'Registrations' heading.
Select 'Registrations by year'. For each of the options 'By age group', By prioritised ethnicity', 'By deprivation quintile', 'By district', click on 'Download data' and select '.csv' and 'All data'.
Under the 'Registration over time' heading, select 'Overview' and click on 'Download data'.
Under the 'Common Cancers' heading, select 'Over time' and choose the 'Registrations' variable and click on 'Download data'.
Figure.NZ placed all tables in one Excel file for processing purposes.
Import & extraction details
File as imported: Cancer: Registrations 2022
From the dataset Cancer: Registrations 2022, this data was extracted:
- Sheet: Registrations_by_ethnicity
- Range:
- Provided: 280 data points
This data forms the table Cancer - New registrations of cancers by ethnic group and sex 2013–2022.
Dataset originally released on:
December 17, 2024
About this dataset
This data provides high-level data on new cancer registrations (or cases), including information about the most common cancers registered and breakdowns by common demographic variables.
Method of collection/Data provider
This data is sourced from the New Zealand Cancer Registry.