Labour force in New Zealand
1987–2025, thousands
Year | Measure | Number | Label |
1987 | Labour force estimate | 1,690,700 | Labour force estimate |
1988 | Labour force estimate | 1,685,800 | Labour force estimate |
1989 | Labour force estimate | 1,652,600 | Labour force estimate |
1990 | Labour force estimate | 1,652,100 | Labour force estimate |
1991 | Labour force estimate | 1,680,600 | Labour force estimate |
1992 | Labour force estimate | 1,692,500 | Labour force estimate |
1993 | Labour force estimate | 1,698,500 | Labour force estimate |
1994 | Labour force estimate | 1,734,500 | Labour force estimate |
1995 | Labour force estimate | 1,778,500 | Labour force estimate |
1996 | Labour force estimate | 1,831,900 | Labour force estimate |
1997 | Labour force estimate | 1,871,400 | Labour force estimate |
1998 | Labour force estimate | 1,883,700 | Labour force estimate |
1999 | Labour force estimate | 1,888,900 | Labour force estimate |
2000 | Labour force estimate | 1,904,300 | Labour force estimate |
2001 | Labour force estimate | 1,932,600 | Labour force estimate |
2002 | Labour force estimate | 1,984,500 | Labour force estimate |
2003 | Labour force estimate | 2,025,500 | Labour force estimate |
2004 | Labour force estimate | 2,076,600 | Labour force estimate |
2005 | Labour force estimate | 2,138,700 | Labour force estimate |
2006 | Labour force estimate | 2,198,400 | Labour force estimate |
2007 | Labour force estimate | 2,233,700 | Labour force estimate |
2008 | Labour force estimate | 2,252,700 | Labour force estimate |
2009 | Labour force estimate | 2,286,800 | Labour force estimate |
2010 | Labour force estimate | 2,295,300 | Labour force estimate |
2011 | Labour force estimate | 2,327,200 | Labour force estimate |
2012 | Labour force estimate | 2,349,000 | Labour force estimate |
2013 | Labour force estimate | 2,344,800 | Labour force estimate |
2014 | Labour force estimate | 2,412,400 | Labour force estimate |
2015 | Labour force projection | 2,442,168.16104 | Labour force projection |
2016 | Labour force projection | 2,471,936.32208 | Labour force projection |
2017 | Labour force projection | 2,499,107.32145 | Labour force projection |
2018 | Labour force projection | 2,526,278.32082 | Labour force projection |
2019 | Labour force projection | 2,553,449.32019 | Labour force projection |
2020 | Labour force projection | 2,580,620.31956 | Labour force projection |
2021 | Labour force projection | 2,607,791.31893 | Labour force projection |
2022 | Labour force projection | 2,631,097.47788 | Labour force projection |
2023 | Labour force projection | 2,654,403.63682 | Labour force projection |
2024 | Labour force projection | 2,677,709.79576 | Labour force projection |
2025 | Labour force projection | 2,701,015.95471 | Labour force projection |
New Zealand Population (Source: Statistics New Zealand)
Values from 1987 to 2014 are from the historical population tables. Values for 2018, 2023 and 2028 are generated from population projection growth rates applied to the 2014 figure. Years are to June. Projection uses the medium scenario
Auckland Region population (Source: Statistics New Zealand)
Values for 1996, 2001, 2006, 2013 and 2014 are population estimates. Values for 2018, 2023 and 2028 are generated from population projection growth rates applied to the 2014 figure. All other years are interpolated. Years are to June. Projection uses the medium scenario.
Dependency ratio (ratio of 65+ to 15-64 year olds) (Source: Statistics New Zealand)
Years from 1991 to 2014 are resident population estimates. Values for 2018, 2023 and 2028 are generated from population projection growth rates applied to the 2014 figure. Other years are interpolated. Measure is proportion of population aged 65+ to proportion of population aged 15-64
Labour force, Labour force under 65 (Source: Statistics New Zealand)
Years are to June from 1987 to 2023. 1987 to 2014 are from the HLFS. Values for 2016, 2021 and 2026 are generated from labour force projection growth rates applied to the 2011 HLFS figure. Other years are interpolated.
Households (Source: Statistics New Zealand)
Years are to March (except 1991 to June). Values for 1991 to 2015 are from the Dwelling and Household Estimates. Values for 2016, 2021 and 2026 are generated from the Family and Household Projection growth rates applied to the 2011 Dwelling and Household Estimates figure. All other years are interpolated
Mobile phones (Source:Commerce Commission):
Years are to March until 2005, then to June. Since 2009 the Commerce Commission has measured mobile connections based on the number of phones actually used by customers in the previous 90 days.
Broadband (Source: Telecom NZ; OECD; Commerce Commission)
This represents fixed-line broadband connections. Years are to June. Historic Telecom Annual Reports appear to be no longer online. Broadband figures for 2000, 2001 and 2002 are Telecom Jetstream customer numbers. The 2003 figure is interpolated.
Data calculation/treatment
De facto population estimates (pre-1991) include all people present in New Zealand and counted by the census (census night population count). De facto estimates include visitors from overseas who are counted on census night, but exclude New Zealand residents who are temporarily overseas. The estimated de facto population at a given date after census includes births, deaths and net
migration (arrivals less departures) of people during the period between census night and the given date. De facto population estimates are no longer produced.
The estimated resident population (1991-2014) is based on the census usually resident population count, updated for residents missed or counted more than once by the census (net census undercount); residents temporarily overseas on census night; and births, deaths, and net migration between census night and the date of the estimate. An intercensal revision was completed for estimates between June 2006 and June 2013, to reconcile with the estimated resident population 2013-base. Population estimates from June 2013 are based on the estimated resident population 2013-base, superseding earlier 2006-based estimates.
Estimates from 1991 onwards are not strictly comparable with estimates for earlier years, due to conceptual differences.
Projections use the 50% (median) scenario. Percentiles indicate the probability that the actual result is lower than this percentile. For example, the 25th percentile indicates a 25 percent probability that the actual result for a given year is lower than this percentile.
Growth rates will change linearly between 2006 and 2031, based on an assessment of observed trends between 1986 and 2006, and likely future trends, by sex and single-year of age.
The household estimates have as a base the estimated households (in private occupied dwellings) at 30 June 1991, 1996, 2001, 2006, and 2013. Each base has been derived indirectly from the estimated resident population and the estimated living arrangement type rates for each age-sex group. The estimated number of households at 30 June of the census year is equivalent to the census household count with adjustments for households temporarily absent within New Zealand, net census undercount, households temporarily overseas on census night, and change between census night and 30 June of the respective census year.
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Dataset name
String Theory: June 2015 custom dataset
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File as imported: String Theory: June 2015 custom dataset
From the dataset String Theory: June 2015 custom dataset, this data was extracted:
- Sheet: Data
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- Provided: 288 data points
This data forms the table Technology - Population and technology uptake 1987–2025.