Students arriving late to class in Auckland, New Zealand
By local board area, Term 2 2016, % of classes
Local board area | % of classes |
Albert-Eden | 1% |
Devonport-Takapuna | 0.7% |
Franklin | 1.3% |
Aotea/Great Barrier | 0.8% |
Henderson-Massey | 1.9% |
Hibiscus and Bays | 0.9% |
Howick | 0.9% |
Kaipātiki | 1.6% |
Māngere-Ōtāhuhu | 2.8% |
Manurewa | 2.8% |
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki | 2.7% |
Ōrākei | 0.8% |
Ōtara-Papatoetoe | 2.9% |
Papakura | 2.4% |
Puketāpapa | 1.5% |
Rodney | 1.1% |
Upper Harbour | 1% |
Waiheke | 1.4% |
Waitākere Ranges | 1.9% |
Waitematā | 1.2% |
Whau | 2.1% |
Students attending regularly: having attended more than 90% of all school time in Term 2, where time is measured in half-days.
Lateness: The percentage of classes for which students were marked as arriving late, out of the classes they attended. School policy will determine when a student is
recorded as arriving late to class (e.g. more than 10 minutes late).
Being present at school: it does not include justified nor unjustified absence from school. It does include classes where a student is at school for the day but needs to attend an in school or out of school appointment or is on a school organised outing.
Justified and unjustified absences: absences with explanations that have been deemed satisfactory or unsatisfactory, respectively. School principals are required to make a judgement as to which explanations they will accept, based on school policy. These policies may vary slightly and could lead to small differences in data between schools.
For more information
If a student was enrolled for less than 30 half-days during Term 2 their data has not been included.
Alternative education students and students attending teen parent units are excluded.
Students attending private schools are not included.
Changes to data collection/processing
In the 2015 attendance survey the Ministry adopted a new measure that focuses on individual student attendance rather than the average daily attendance across the school, which can mask individual student attendance challenges.
The Ministry also began measuring students' school attendance in half-days, rather than full days, which is more consistent with how schools record attendance. This report continues to analyse attendance for all of Term 2.
Data provided by
Dataset name
New Zealand Schools Attendance Survey: Term 2, 2016
How to find the data
At URL provided, download '2016 Attendance Data (XLS, 892.1 KB)' from the right-hand pane.
Import & extraction details
File as imported: New Zealand Schools Attendance Survey: Term 2, 2016
From the dataset New Zealand Schools Attendance Survey: Term 2, 2016, this data was extracted:
- Sheet: Territorial Authority
- Range:
- Provided: 3,036 data points
This data forms the table Schooling - Student attendance and lateness by local board area in Auckland for Term 2 2011–2016.
Dataset originally released on:
June 2017
About this dataset
The 2016 attendance report uses student attendance data from Term 2, 2016 (2 May - 8 July).
This report investigates the relationships between attendance, and achievement, school factors (school type, and decile), student factors (gender and year level, and ethnicity of the student), or regional factors (education area).
Purpose of collection
This dataset is designed to provide a picture that will help school leaders and other sector representatives to understand patterns of attendance in New Zealand schools, and how these can effect achievement.
Method of collection/Data provider
In 2011 to 2016, all state and state integrated schools in New Zealand were invited to submit Term 2 attendance data. Schools that are able to enter their attendance records into their Student Management Systems (SMS) were asked to provide an extract of this data electronically.
The electronic files supplied by schools contain detailed attendance records. Each half-day’s attendance or non-attendance is then reported.
Detailed attendance records are required for the analysis performed in this report, therefore only schools that can provide attendance data electronically are able to participate in this analysis