Unpaid activities undertaken by Dutch people in New Zealand
By type and sex, 2018 Census, % of people aged 15+ where information available
Sex | Unpaid activity type | % of people aged 15+ where information available |
Male | Household work, cooking, repairs, gardening, etc, for own household | 85.24007113219% |
Female | Household work, cooking, repairs, gardening, etc, for own household | 89.78654417725% |
Male | Looking after a child who is a member of own household | 24.71843509188% |
Female | Looking after a child who is a member of own household | 29.88381518509% |
Male | Looking after a member of own household who is ill or has a disability | 6.550088915234% |
Female | Looking after a member of own household who is ill or has a disability | 7.94379897325% |
Male | Looking after a child who does not live in own household | 9.573206876111% |
Female | Looking after a child who does not live in own household | 17.83301810322% |
Male | Helping someone who is ill or has a disability who does not live in own household | 6.372258446947% |
Female | Helping someone who is ill or has a disability who does not live in own household | 11.13212645231% |
Male | Other helping or voluntary work for or through any organisation, group or marae | 16.71606401897% |
Female | Other helping or voluntary work for or through any organisation, group or marae | 20.5620102675% |