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Proceedings for criminal offences in New Zealand

By offence subdivision, 2016, number of proceedings against alleged offenders

05,00010,00015,00020,00025,000AssaultDriving licence offencesDisorderly conductRegulatory driving offencesTheft (except motor vehicles)Dangerous or negligent operation of a vehicleBreach of community-based ordersProperty damageUnlawful entry with intent/burglary, break and enterHarassment and threatening behaviourMotor vehicle theft and related offencesPossess and/or use illicit drugsRegulated weapons/explosives offencesObtain benefit by deceptionBreach of violence and non-violence ordersOffences against justice proceduresSexual assaultReceive or handle proceeds of crimeDeal or traffic in illicit drugsManufacture or cultivate illicit drugsRobberyOther drug offences not elsewhere classifiedRegulated public order offencesOther miscellaneous offencesOther dangerous or negligent acts endangering personsOffensive conductBreach of custodial order offencesOther fraud and deception offencesPublic health and safety offencesAbduction and kidnappingIllegal use of property (except motor vehicles)Non-assaultive sexual offencesForgery and counterfeitingImport or export illicit drugsManslaughter and driving causing deathBlackmail and extortionEnvironmental pollutionMurderOffences against government operationsOther acts intended to cause injuryDefamation, libel and privacy offencesDeceptive business/government practicesAttempted murderCommercial/industry/financial regulationVehicle registration and roadworthiness offencesPedestrian offencesOffences against government securityOffences against justice procedures, security and govt operations n.f.d.Deprivation of liberty/false imprisonmentPublic order offences not further definedProceedings for criminal offences in New ZealandBy offence subdivision, 2016, number of proceedings against alleged offendersProvider: New Zealand Police05,00010,00015,00020,00025,000
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