Volunteer rate among people who are not in the labour force in New Zealand
By age group, 2018 Q2, % of people
The following information applies to all values in the table. Quarter: 2018 Q2, Sex: Total, Labour force status: Not in the labour force, Type of volunteer work: All volunteer work, Measure: Volunteer rate
Volunteers can volunteer for both organisation-based and direct volunteering, numbers may not add up to 'all volunteer work' figures.
Volunteer rate is presented as a number of people volunteering as a proportion of the total working-age population.
Median hours volunteered only include people who did at least one hour of volunteer work in the previous four weeks.
Volunteer: A person who has done some volunteer work in the recall period of the past 4 weeks.
Time spent volunteering: The total number of hours spent doing volunteer work in the past 4 weeks.
Volunteer work: Unpaid, non-compulsory work outside of a person’s household or family business for at least one hour. The work can be direct or organisation-based.
Direct: Volunteer work performed directly for people who do not live in the volunteer’s household. This can include volunteer work done for family or for friends, neighbours and other people. This also includes work done by the respondent alone, such as spending time picking rubbish up off a beach.
Organisation-based: Volunteer work done for, or through, an organisation.
Labour market statistics about volunteer work provide insights into the volume and type of voluntary work in New Zealand. It looks at the relationship between paid and unpaid work, and the characteristics of the volunteer workforce.
Method of collection/Data provider
Questions on volunteer work were asked of every member of the selected household over the age of 15 years. The questions were embedded within the respondents personal questionnaire of the Household Labour Force Survey (HLFS). The volunteer work rotating topic was added in the June 2018 quarter, and will be asked every two years, the next being June 2020.
The information obtained relates to people who have done some volunteer work in the recall period of the past 4 weeks.