Sales coming from exports in the printing and reproduction of recorded media industry in New Zealand
By proportion band, 2016, number of businesses (with 6 employees or more)
Answer | Number of businesses |
1-25% | 72 |
26-50% | 33 |
51-75% | 0 |
76-100% | 6 |
Zero | 141 |
Data calculation/treatment
Figure.NZ downloaded the data from 55 separate tables on Infoshare (54 from Module A, plus one for the total number of businesses) and added extra columns for ease of interpretation. In particular we added:
- Question numbers and copy (from the 2016 questionnaire)
- Percentages of total by industry or business size (based on the above).
Figure.NZ calculated percentages based on the respondents who were asked the specific question, as opposed to the total population.
Percentages were calculated on rounded numbers.
For more information
Limitations of the data
Results for commercial fishing; mining; electricity, gas, water, and waste services; telecommunications; and insurance industries should be treated with caution due to the small numbers of businesses in these categories.
All counts in the survey were randomly rounded to base 3 to protect confidentiality, so actual figures may differ from those stated. Due to rounding, some figures may not sum to stated totals.
Sub-industries carry higher sample errors, and should therefore be treated with caution.
This survey is subject to non-sample errors, including mistakes by respondents when completing questionnaires, variation in the respondents’ interpretation of the questions asked, and errors made during the processing of the data. In addition, the survey applied imputation methodologies to cope with non-respondents.
The estimates are based on a sample of businesses. Somewhat different figures might have been obtained if a complete census of the entire business population had been taken using the same questionnaire and processing methods etc. Because the estimates are based on a sample of businesses, all estimates have a sampling error associated with them.
Data provided by
Dataset name
Business Operations Survey: Module A Operations 2016
How to find the data
At URL provided, go to Businesses and select all tables relating to module A. Please note Figure.NZ manually collated all Module A tables and calculated percentages.
Import & extraction details
File as imported: Business Operations Survey: Module A Operations 2016
From the dataset Business Operations Survey: Module A Operations 2016, this data was extracted:
- Sheet: BOS A by Industry
- Range:
- Provided: 147,420 data points
This data forms the table Business - Business operation measures by industry 2007–2016.
Dataset originally released on:
March 22, 2017
About this dataset
This dataset contains data collected through the module A of the Business Operations Survey. These were asked every year since the inception of the survey.
Purpose of collection
This module aims to provide a longitudinal series of information relating to business performance. This will assist in the development of models aimed at investigating causal relationships. As well as traditional measures of performance such as turnover and profitability, there is also a need to collect information on such areas as export intensity. The purpose of collecting business environmental information is to analyse any relationships between the environment in which a business operates and the results it achieves.
Method of collection/Data provider
This survey was posted out in August every year. Information is collected for the last financial year for which the business had data available at that point.
In 2016, Stats NZ reached a sample of 7,995 from a total population of 39,453 businesses.
The target population for the Business Operations Survey was live enterprise units on Stats NZ’s Business Register that at the population selection date:
- were economically significant private enterprises (those that have an annual GST turnover figure of greater than $30,000)
- had 6 or more employees (the number of employees is defined by an enterprise's rolling mean employment count)
- had been operating for one year or more
- were not in the O, R89, R90, S95, S96 industries (ANZSIC06 classification)