Direct flights between Buenos Aires and New Zealand airports
1998–2024, number of flights per year
Year | Direction of flight | Number of flights |
1998 | Arrivals | 138 |
1998 | Departures | 138 |
1999 | Arrivals | 191 |
1999 | Departures | 202 |
2000 | Arrivals | 223 |
2000 | Departures | 225 |
2001 | Arrivals | 168 |
2001 | Departures | 172 |
2002 | Arrivals | 169 |
2002 | Departures | 167 |
2003 | Arrivals | 112 |
2003 | Departures | 111 |
2004 | Arrivals | 119 |
2004 | Departures | 120 |
2005 | Arrivals | 172 |
2005 | Departures | 172 |
2006 | Arrivals | 166 |
2006 | Departures | 167 |
2007 | Arrivals | 170 |
2007 | Departures | 171 |
2008 | Arrivals | 199 |
2008 | Departures | 198 |
2009 | Arrivals | 202 |
2009 | Departures | 203 |
2010 | Arrivals | 200 |
2010 | Departures | 199 |
2011 | Arrivals | 168 |
2011 | Departures | 168 |
2012 | Arrivals | 79 |
2012 | Departures | 79 |
2013 | Arrivals | 1 |
2013 | Departures | 1 |
2014 | Arrivals | 1 |
2014 | Departures | 0 |
2015 | Arrivals | 13 |
2015 | Departures | 13 |
2016 | Arrivals | 159 |
2016 | Departures | 160 |
2017 | Arrivals | 178 |
2017 | Departures | 179 |
2018 | Arrivals | 199 |
2018 | Departures | 198 |
2019 | Arrivals | 195 |
2019 | Departures | 194 |
2020 | Arrivals | 53 |
2020 | Departures | 51 |
2021 | Arrivals | 0 |
2021 | Departures | 0 |
2022 | Arrivals | 0 |
2022 | Departures | 1 |
2023 | Arrivals | 0 |
2023 | Departures | 0 |
2024 | Arrivals | 0 |
2024 | Departures | 1 |
Arrivals: International flights landing in a New Zealand port.
Departures: International flights leaving a New Zealand port.
Data calculation/treatment
Flights are only counted if at least one individual on the flight is recorded as an arrival.
Although most flights are scheduled commercial services, the numbers may also include charter services, private aircraft, cargo aircraft and other special flights.
Flights may visit more than one overseas port, and will be counted under each. Hence, the sum across overseas ports may differ from the total number of flights.
From early 2022, some governments, including New Zealand, relaxed these restrictions, allowing more people to cross their borders. From 1 August 2022, New Zealand’s border opened to all visitors and international students.
Since January 2020, governments have imposed international travel restrictions in multiple countries, due to the spread of COVID-19 around the world. In March 2020, the New Zealand government introduced further measures to protect New Zealanders from the COVID-19 virus, effectively limiting travel to New Zealand and travel within New Zealand.
From early 2022, some governments, including New Zealand, relaxed these restrictions, allowing more people to cross their borders. From 1 August 2022, New Zealand’s border opened to all visitors and international students.
Since January 2020, governments have imposed international travel restrictions in multiple countries, due to the spread of COVID-19 around the world. In March 2020, the New Zealand government introduced further measures to protect New Zealanders from the COVID-19 virus, effectively limiting travel to New Zealand and travel within New Zealand.
For more information
Limitations of the data
This dataset has not been updated to reflect the detailed breakdown of many recent routes available from/to New Zealand. The total includes all routes.
Please note that flights which stop elsewhere on route to/from New Zealand are considered as 'direct flights' when the flight number and aircraft do not change during the layover (e.g. London).
Data provided by
Dataset name
International Travel: Number of flights by direction and overseas port (Annual-Dec) December 2024
How to find the data
At URL provided, select 'Tourism -> International Travel and Migration - ITM -> Number of flights by direction and overseas port (Annual-Dec)'. All variables were selected to produce this dataset.
Import & extraction details
File as imported: International Travel: Number of flights by direction and overseas port (Annual-Dec) December 2024
From the dataset International Travel: Number of flights by direction and overseas port (Annual-Dec) December 2024, this data was extracted:
- Rows: 4-30
- Columns: 2-112
- Provided: 2,997 data points
This data forms the table Travel - Number of flights by direction and overseas port Year ended December 1998–2024.
Dataset originally released on:
February 17, 2025