Total Primary Energy Supply (TPES): the total amount of energy supplied for use in New Zealand. This is calculated as domestic production plus imports, less exports and energy used for international transport.
Energy transformation: the conversion of primary energy to more useful forms of energy. It includes activities such as electricity generation, oil refining, and other transformation (including coal used for steel manufacturing) as well as losses.
Consumer energy demand: includes all energy used by final consumers. It does not include energy transformation.
Non-energy use: refers to the use of fuels to produce non-energy products. These are products where neither the raw energy source used to produce the product nor the product itself is combusted e.g. natural gas conversion to methanol or urea, or oil conversion to bitumen for roads.
From the dataset Energy in New Zealand: Energy Overview 2023, this data was extracted:
Sheet: Annual_PJ
Range: B11:AH174
Provided: 5,280 data points
Dataset originally released on:
August 17, 2023
About this dataset
Energy in New Zealand provides annual information on and analysis of New Zealand’s energy sector including statistics on supply and demand by fuel types, energy balance tables, pricing information and international comparisons.