Source: Ministry of Education and Tertiary Education Commission
These fees are inclusive of GST.
The average fee is calculated by dividing total domestic fees revenue (excluding GST) by the total number of domestic EFTS funded by the Tertiary Education Commission.
Colleges of education data and Telford Polytechnic data has been combined with university data.
Average fees per EFTS can be impacted by a change in the proportion of enrolments into higher or lower cost courses. This is one factor for the relatively stable average fees per EFTS in polytechnics since 2011.
From the dataset Tertiary Education Resources: Financial Resources 2016, this data was extracted:
Sheet: FNR.5
Range: C4:S7
Provided: 68 data points
Dataset originally released on:
January 2018
About this dataset
This dataset relates to the financial resourcing of tertiary education, including government expenditure for tuition, training and research, and student tuition fee.