Source: Ministry of Education and Tertiary Education Commission.
Equivalent full-time students (EFTS) are estimates. The EFTS value is a reflection of the workload the student is undertaking including the credits/points and learning hours of the papers/modules.
Student Achievement Component (SAC) funding:
SAC funding is the Government’s contribution to the direct costs of teaching, learning and other costs driven by student numbers.
The Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) determines the amount of SAC funding a Tertiary Education Organisation (TEO) receives through Investment Plans.
From the dataset Tertiary Education Resources: Financial Resources 2015, this data was extracted:
Sheet: FNR.5
Range: C4:I9
Provided: 42 data points
Dataset originally released on:
May 02, 2016
About this dataset
This dataset relates to the financial resourcing of tertiary education, including government expenditure for tuition, training and research, and student tuition fee.