Schooling Boards of Trustees (BOTs) are locally elected boards that govern state and state integrated schools. Boards establish a charter which sets out the aims and objectives of the school.
Proportional representation: The proportion of Board seats held by Pacific parents should be at least the same as the proportion of Pacific students in the school.
Data calculation/treatment
This indicator is restricted to those schools with sufficient numbers of Pacific students to expect at least one Pacific parent representative on the board. This expectation is based both on the number of students and the number of positions on the board. The proportion of Board seats held by Pacific parents should be at least the same as the proportion of Pacific students in the school. In the indicator, if a school meets the expectation, this is considered proportional representation.
This indicator is restricted to parent representatives. As a parent representative - in this indicator - we consider any elected or co-opted member. All other members were excluded, i.e. Principal, Ministerial appointed member, Proprietor's representative, Staff representative, Student representative.
This indicator is restricted to state schools, i.e. state and state-integrated schools. Schools that were excluded from the analysis:
-Schools with insufficient Pacific student numbers
-Correspondence school (as their board is appointed by the Minister)
-Closed schools (closed before December the 1st of the particular year)
-Schools that have a merged board of trustees (i.e. multiple schools have the same board) other than the lead school were excluded to prevent double counting of trustees.
From the dataset Quality Education Provider: Pacific parent representation on the board of trustees 2022, this data was extracted:
Sheet: 6. schools - RC
Range: C6:E22
Provided: 51 data points
Dataset originally released on:
August 2023
About this dataset
Active participation by Pacific parents in planning, development and delivery of education services will help to ensure that those services are appropriate and effective for Pacific students. Pacific representation on boards of trustees is one key mechanism for participation.
Boards of trustees of state schools must hold elections for parent representatives every three years. A board may also decide to adopt a mid-term election cycle where half of its parent representatives are elected at a mid-term election (18 months after the triennial election) and the remainder are elected at the triennial election.
Triennial elections have been held every three years from 1998. A by-election can occur at any stage in the election cycle if an elected parent representative leaves the board and creates vacancy. Although the major changes in board membership occur in triennial election years, there is still some fluctuation in intervening years due to by-elections and mid-term elections.