The sum of the age groups does not equal the totals as these have been derived from the designation data, and because totals include staff whose age was unknown. The age group totals do not match the designation totals in some cases due to data discrepancies.
Research-only staff and research support staff is not included in academic staff data.
Private training establishments included here receive student-component funding or their students are in receipt of a student allowance or loan or a Ministry of Education grant.
Data calculation/treatment
To allow comparisons over time, the colleges of education data, and data from polytechnics who have merged with universities, has been included with the universities' data. The four mergers of the colleges of education with the universities took place over the years 2004 to 2007.
Data have been rounded to protect the privacy of individuals and counts may not add to the total.
Changes to data collection/processing
From the year 2016 onwards staffing counts are for the full calendar year. Before this, staffing counts were a snapshot collected in the first week of August.