Study region is based on the delivery site of the courses that students were enrolled in. A study region is only applied to students who studied intramurally (locally).
Formal: Students enrolled at any time during the year with a tertiary education provider in formal qualifications of greater than 0.03 EFTS (more than one week's full-time duration).
Non-Formal: Students enrolled in non-formal qualifications such as adult community education, certificate of personal interest and programmes taught under contract.
Te Pūkenga: The New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology (NZIST) was established in 2020 as part of reforms of vocational education. It brings together the existing 16 Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) into one organisation.
Data calculation/treatment
Values have been rounded to the nearest 5 to protect the privacy of individuals, so the sum of individual values may not add to the total.
Students are counted in each group of language courses they enrol in, so the sum of the various language groupings may not add to the total.
The total for age groups include students with unknown age. Age is calculated as at 31 December.
Data relates to students enrolled at any time during the year with a tertiary education provider in formal qualifications of greater than 0.03 EFTS (more than one week's full-time duration).
The data includes both domestic and international students.
Other than public providers, the data includes those private training establishments that received Student Achievement Component funding, and/or had students with student loans or allowances, and/or Youth Guarantee programmes.
Data excludes all non-formal learning and on-job industry training.