Benefits that encourage UFB uptake among TUANZ members
Ratings of 4 or 5 out of 5 for importance, 2015, % of survey respondents (n=116)
Answer | Rating | Percentage of respondents |
Monthly access fee similar to retail business packages for ADSL | 4 | 24.1071428571% |
Monthly access fee similar to retail business packages for ADSL | 5 | 46.4285714286% |
Lower IT costs by moving to the cloud and reducing reliance on servers | 4 | 20.3703703704% |
Lower IT costs by moving to the cloud and reducing reliance on servers | 5 | 26.8518518519% |
Reduced power costs as servers not required | 4 | 15.0943396226% |
Reduced power costs as servers not required | 5 | 16.9811320755% |
Improved productivity through faster processes | 4 | 18.3486238532% |
Improved productivity through faster processes | 5 | 58.7155963303% |
Improved customer support: no drop outs, live cloud based Systems eg CRM | 4 | 30.8411214953% |
Improved customer support: no drop outs, live cloud based Systems eg CRM | 5 | 33.6448598131% |
Supply chain improvement (e.g. ERP) through live tracking | 4 | 14.8514851485% |
Supply chain improvement (e.g. ERP) through live tracking | 5 | 21.7821782178% |
Improved collaboration across teams, sites, and/or with customers | 4 | 31.7757009346% |
Improved collaboration across teams, sites, and/or with customers | 5 | 36.4485981308% |
Improved business continuity: offsite back-up, hosting, Software As A Service | 4 | 26.9230769231% |
Improved business continuity: offsite back-up, hosting, Software As A Service | 5 | 38.4615384615% |
Remote working | 4 | 29.7297297297% |
Remote working | 5 | 42.3423423423% |
Improved video conferencing | 4 | 18.8118811881% |
Improved video conferencing | 5 | 31.6831683168% |
UFB: Ultra fast broadband
TUANZ: Telecommunications Users Association of New Zealand
SME: Small and medium-sized enterprises (Less than 20 employees)
Corporate: Businesses with 20 or more employees
Data calculation/treatment
The results were segmented in two categories: SME and corporate. These were defined based on the employee count of the business (SME: 0-19; Corporate: 20+).
Some visualisations of the data do not include responses such as 'Don't know'.
Limitations of the data
The survey group was TUANZ members. They tend to be managers rather than technical, which explains why some don't know what connectivity they have. The respondents don't represent the general public or the SME community but those who have an interest in the telco space.
The total sample size was 216 respondents therefore smaller values should be viewed with caution.
Data provided by
Dataset name
UFB Business User Survey 2015
How to find the data
The source dataset was provided by TUANZ for Figure.NZ to publish, received 4 August 2015
Import & extraction details
File as imported: UFB Business User Survey 2015
From the dataset UFB Business User Survey 2015, this data was extracted:
- Sheet: Fibre Survey
- Range:
- Provided: 1,842 data points
This data forms the table Broadband - UFB Business User Survey data segmented by SME vs Corporate 2015.
Dataset originally released on:
August 2015
Purpose of collection
This survey was conducted by TUANZ and Crown Fibre Holdings in June 2015 to see how the environment had changed in the time since the last survey was undertaken in 2010. That survey was at the beginning of the UFB build and so there was little uptake and was looking at the likelihood of uptake. Half way through the build,TUANZ are wanting to see who's taken it up and if not, what the barriers are.