Households with internet access in the OECD
Most recent data available as of 2015, % of households
Country | % of households |
Australia | 83% |
Austria | 80.8626% |
Belgium | 80.0478% |
Canada | 82.6% |
Chile | 49.6% |
Czech Republic | 72.6166% |
Denmark | 92.7135% |
Estonia | 80.2907% |
Finland | 89.2364% |
France | 81.7192% |
Germany | 87.747% |
Greece | 56.3126% |
Hungary | 71.4707% |
Iceland | 96.4134% |
Ireland | 82.3895% |
Israel | 71.1% |
Italy | 68.9144% |
Japan | 86.18% |
Korea, Rep. | 98.14% |
Luxembourg | 94.4593% |
Mexico | 30.74% |
Netherlands | 94.6336% |
New Zealand | 76.8% |
Norway | 94.2851% |
Poland | 71.8962% |
Portugal | 62.3417% |
Slovak Republic | 77.9076% |
Slovenia | 75.6204% |
Spain | 69.8026% |
Sweden | 92.5885% |
Switzerland | 91.8% |
Turkey | 49.08% |
United Kingdom | 88.4457% |
United States | 77.3% |