Average efficacy of linear fluorescent lamps sold in New Zealand
Year ended March 2005–2024, lumens per watt
Year ended March | Lumens per watt |
2005 | 89.17634395885 |
2006 | 88.41742400258 |
2007 | 87.9638452696 |
2008 | 86.86740535453 |
2009 | 88.11547941076 |
2010 | 89.06390393069 |
2011 | 89.7472492846 |
2012 | 89.80883486729 |
2013 | 89.96578736656 |
2014 | 90.26459956331 |
2015 | 90.83885163417 |
2016 | 90.72048492844 |
2017 | 89.99848925766 |
2018 | 90.30080354645 |
2019 | 90.21680842925 |
2020 | 90.79037449287 |
2021 | 89.4 |
2022 | 89.7 |
2023 | 89.9 |
2024 | 90.36 |
Efficacy: a measure of how well a lamp produces visible light and measured in lumens per watt.
Lumens: a measure of the total amount of visible light (to the human eye) from a lamp or light source. The higher the lumen rating the “brighter” the lamp will appear.
Watts: a unit of power.
Sales weighted: weighted average of the units' efficacy. This average is weighted proportionally to the sales of units.
For more information
Data provided by
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority
Dataset name
Energy Savings Under The E3 Programme: Linear fluorescent lamps 2024
How to find the data
At URL provided, select the '2024 Linear fluorescent lamps sales and efficiency data' Excel file.
This spreadsheet was reformatted for easier processing.
Import & extraction details
File as imported: Energy Savings Under The E3 Programme: Linear fluorescent lamps 2024
From the dataset Energy Savings Under The E3 Programme: Linear fluorescent lamps 2024, this data was extracted:
- Sheet: Energy savings
- Range:
- Provided: 42 data points
This data forms the table Energy Efficiency - Linear fluorescent lamps sold and their efficacy 2004–2024.
Dataset originally released on:
November 2024
About this dataset
Through the Equipment Energy Efficiency (E3) Programme, New Zealand and Australia develop common energy efficiency measures to regulate the energy performance of products in both countries.
Suppliers of products regulated under the E3 Programme provide Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority with annual sales data for the period of 1 April to 31 March. This is used to help measure the shift in product efficiency over time and to calculate the energy savings to date from these improvements in energy efficiency.
Purpose of collection
The Equipment Energy Efficiency Programme is run by the Commonwealth state and territory and New Zealand governments working with industry to drive improvements in the energy efficiency of appliances and equipment to save households and businesses money on their energy bills reduce energy use and reduce emissions.
Method of collection/Data provider
The measures developed through the E3 Programme are minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) and the Energy Rating Label.