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People who are affiliated with Ratana in New Zealand

By ethnicity, 2018 Census, % of people within each group

012345MāoriCook Islands MaoriNiueanSouth SlavItalianTokelauanPolishSamoanFijianTonganDutchGermanBritish and IrishPacific Peoples not further definedOther Pacific PeoplesEuropean not further definedNew Zealand EuropeanGreekAfricanAustralianOther EuropeanJapaneseMiddle EasternIndianChineseCambodianOther Southeast AsianLatin AmericanVietnameseOther AsianAsian not further definedFilipinoKoreanSoutheast Asian not further definedSri LankanPeople who are affiliated with Ratana in New ZealandBy ethnicity, 2018 Census, % of people within each groupProvider: Stats NZ012345