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People who are affiliated with Adventism in New Zealand

By ethnicity, 2018 Census, % of people within each group

01234Other Pacific PeoplesFijianCook Islands MaoriPacific Peoples not further definedTonganSamoanAfricanNiueanTokelauanFilipinoLatin AmericanSoutheast Asian not further definedAsian not further definedOther EuropeanAustralianGermanOther Southeast AsianEuropean not further definedMāoriGreekDutchKoreanNew Zealand EuropeanItalianBritish and IrishMiddle EasternJapaneseIndianChinesePolishOther AsianVietnameseSri LankanSouth SlavCambodianPeople who are affiliated with Adventism in New ZealandBy ethnicity, 2018 Census, % of people within each groupProvider: Stats NZ01234