Estimated production of liquid biofuel in New Zealand
By type, 2007–2017, millions of litres
Year | Biofuel produced | Millions of litres |
2007 | Bio-diesel | 1.2 |
2007 | Bio-ethanol | 0.3 |
2008 | Bio-diesel | 1.2 |
2008 | Bio-ethanol | 0.1077313054499 |
2009 | Bio-diesel | 1.1484872585 |
2009 | Bio-ethanol | 3.703451896 |
2010 | Bio-diesel | 1.610097696 |
2010 | Bio-ethanol | 3.097264990717 |
2011 | Bio-diesel | 2.3453758 |
2011 | Bio-ethanol | 4.812196197125 |
2012 | Bio-diesel | 1.266951172263 |
2012 | Bio-ethanol | 5.665962224335 |
2013 | Bio-diesel | 0.2355716967689 |
2013 | Bio-ethanol | 4.969565757757 |
2014 | Bio-diesel | 0.9030862 |
2014 | Bio-ethanol | 3.248218754119 |
2015 | Bio-diesel | 0.5564986 |
2015 | Bio-ethanol | 2.870680780735 |
2016 | Bio-diesel | 0.4696813 |
2016 | Bio-ethanol | 4.842862 |
2017 | Bio-diesel | 0.46429145 |
2017 | Bio-ethanol | 3.639847 |
2009-2013 figures are based on information collected under the Petroleum or Engine Fuel Monitoring Levy. Information for 2007 and 2008 is estimated by the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority.
Renewable energy sources: include geothermal, hydro, bioenergy, wind, and solar energy.
Geothermal energy: energy that is extracted from heat contained in the Earth’s core. Areas of geothermal energy are usually close to the boundaries of tectonic continental plates.
Hydro power: power derived from the energy of falling water or fast running water, which may be harnessed for useful purposes.
Solar energy: the use of the sun's energy either directly as thermal energy (heat) or through the use of photovoltaic cells in solar panels and transparent photovoltaic glass to generate electricity.
Bioenergy: energy derived from biomass which includes biological material such as plants and bacteria, wood, waste, (hydrogen) gas, and alcohol fuels.
Wind energy: electrical energy obtained from harnessing the wind with windmills or wind turbines.
Data provided by
Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment
Dataset name
Energy in New Zealand: Renewables June 2018
How to find the data
At URL provided, select 'Renewables' from under the 'View webtables' heading.
Import & extraction details
File as imported: Energy in New Zealand: Renewables June 2018
From the dataset Energy in New Zealand: Renewables June 2018, this data was extracted:
- Sheet: TAB_F3
- Range:
- Provided: 66 data points
This data forms the table Energy - Estimated production of liquid biofuel 2007–2017.
Dataset originally released on:
October 18, 2018