Industrial electricity costs in New Zealand vs OECD average
2000–2013, USD per megawatt hour (PPP)
Year | Country | UDS per MWh (PPP) |
2000 | OECD Average | 63.221 |
2001 | OECD Average | 69.396 |
2002 | OECD Average | 70.248 |
2003 | OECD Average | 73.626 |
2004 | OECD Average | 75.323 |
2005 | OECD Average | 81.48 |
2006 | OECD Average | 90.789 |
2007 | OECD Average | 94.476 |
2008 | OECD Average | 107.261 |
2009 | OECD Average | 110.494 |
2010 | OECD Average | 112.908 |
2011 | OECD Average | 118.502 |
2012 | OECD Average | 122.223 |
2013 | OECD Average | 127.877 |
2000 | New Zealand | 43.261 |
2001 | New Zealand | 45.015 |
2002 | New Zealand | 48.495 |
2003 | New Zealand | 52.793 |
2004 | New Zealand | 52.968 |
2005 | New Zealand | 58.934 |
2006 | New Zealand | 62.658 |
2007 | New Zealand | 64.86 |
2008 | New Zealand | 72.421 |
2009 | New Zealand | 69.716 |
2010 | New Zealand | 65.454 |
2011 | New Zealand | 69.397 |
2012 | New Zealand | 71.282 |
2013 | New Zealand | 77.955 |
Source: International Energy Agency's Energy Prices and Taxes (2015 Q2 edition) publication.
The International Energy Agency refers to this as the "price", while the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE) refers to this as the "cost per unit" as it is a measure of what was actually paid relative to the quantity of electricity consumed.
Data calculation/treatment
Price comparisons between countries are presented on a purchasing power parity (PPP) basis. New Zealand liquid fuel prices are at the lower end of the OECD range, due to the relatively low taxes. The New Zealand diesel tax component does not include Road User Charges (RUCs). Residential natural gas prices should be treated as indicative only, as tariffs for residential gas in New Zealand generally include high fixed charges.
Consumption per person presented for electricity, oil and natural gas.
Limitations of the data
Data is sourced from the International Energy Agency (IEA). Care is needed in interpreting the data, as product specifications, statistical methodologies and information available differs considerably among countries.
Data provided by
Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment
Dataset name
Energy in New Zealand: International Comparisons 2014
How to find the data
This dataset can no longer be found on the MBIE site
Import & extraction details
File as imported: Energy in New Zealand: International Comparisons 2014
From the dataset Energy in New Zealand: International Comparisons 2014, this data was extracted:
- Sheet: Industrial Electricity Costs
- Range:
- Provided: 409 data points
This data forms the table Energy - Industrial electricity costs (international) 2000–2014.
Dataset originally released on:
September 17, 2015